Leadership of the improvement processes

Educational centers, either being stimulated by a state summon or acting under their own initiative, have as an objective carrying out projects with very peculiar singularities: improvement of coexistence, school integration, incorporation of new technologies in the syllabus … They are all projects of change with a big complexity both in their planning and in their implantation, that require the participation of a considerable number of teachers and other professionals …

In the   text El lideratge del canvi als centres educatius /   Leadership of change in educational centers

(to be found in   http://www.xtec.net/fp/qualitat/5jornada/article_pb1.pdf)) we analyse the characteristics of change , we consider the different stages in its process, we indicate the distinctive features, we present some of the difficulties that we will have to face and, finally we consider the role to be played by the leaders   in order to carry out all this with success.

We can find the presentation La dinamització d'innovacions i la millora en educació/ Giving dynamism to innovations and improving education in http://www.xtec.cat/crp-baixllobregat6/docs/teix2.ppt

The work is completed by the exhibition of the results of a brief research that refelects Percepcions dels directius referides al lideratge de projectes de millora als IES / Perceptions of school-leaders related to the leadership of improvement projects in secondary schools ; by the article De la innovació al creixement institucional/ From innovation to institutional growth ( Escola catalana , núm. 430, pp. 33-36) where we put a stress on the need to vertebrate innovation projects among the whole organization and, finally , by the document Algunes idees sobre el canvi en educació / Some ideas on the changes in education   that includes some sentences that incite to reflexion, used in training activities.

Joan Teixidó Saballs © 2007 Copyrights